Halloween è una festività che i bambini amano moltissimo. La possibilità di vestirsi da fantasmi, zombie o streghe fa sì che questo giorno sia atteso con grande trepidazione.
Ma oltre al “dolcetto o scherzetto”, ci sono altre divertenti attività che i bambini possono fare per festeggiare Halloween.
In quest’articolo, vi mostriamo tre lavoretti semplici e divertenti che i bambini adoreranno fare per arricchire l’atmosfera di Halloween.
Date un’occhiata e preparatevi a passare un fantastico pomeriggio di festa con tutta la famiglia!
I bimbi potranno costruire una magnifica ghirlanda per decorare qualsiasi angolo della casa, creare con le proprie manine delle simpaticissime zucche e sperimentare una tecnica di pittura spassosa per dar vita a disegni super artistici, ovviamente a tema Halloween.
Di seguito potete trovare le spiegazioni della nostra fantastica teacher Aisha e il video che mostra – step by step – come poter realizzare il tutto.
Halloween Bunting.
Pingu: cut out a triangle using black card.
Cut out the pieces shown in the video using white and red card.
Glue the pieces to the triangle to create Pingu!
Pumpkin: cut out a triangle using orange card.
Cut out the pumpkin eyes, nose, mouth and stalk using green and black card.
Glue the pieces to the triangle to create a pumpkin!
Frankenstein: cut out a triangle using green card.
Use a black marker to add details – hair, scars and a big smile.
Use white card and a black marker to create the eyes and glue them to the triangle.
Cut out the ‘screws’ using black card and stick them to the back of the triangle to create Frankenstein!
Mummy: cut out a triangle using light yellow card.
Create eyes using white card and a black marker and stick them to the triangle.
Draw the Mummy’s bandages using a black marker.
Bat: cut out a triangle using black card.
Create the bat’s eyes and fangs using white card and glue them to the black triangle.
Cut out two bat wings and glue them to the back of the triangle to complete your bat!
Vampire: cut out a triangle using purple card.
Create eyes using black card and fangs with white card and glue them to the triangle.
Use a black marker to add details and complete your Vampire!
Ghost: cut out a triangle using white card.
With a black marker, draw the Ghost’s eyes and mouth.
Use a hole punch to make two holes on either side at the top of each triangle.
Measure string for your bunting.
Thread the string through the holes.
Hang up your bunting for an amazing Halloween decoration!
Little Pumpkins.
Mix red and yellow paint together to create orange paint.
Using a paintbrush, create a fist and spread the orange paint on your hands as shown.
Stamp your hand on a piece of white paper.
Cut it out and add googly eyes.
Create a stalk using green card. Wrap it around a pencil to curl it up.
Glue the stalk to the pumpkin.
Use a black marker to draw a mouth.
Now you have a little pumpkin!
Halloween Pompom Art.
Cut out templates of Halloween objects and place them over black card.
Prepare different coloured paints.
Using a peg and a pompom, dip the pompom into the paint and stamp inside the Halloween template.
Remove the template and add details such as eyes and a mouth.
Now have an amazing piece of Halloween art!
Bye bye everyone!